Monday, April 4, 2011

ATA Chairman Barbara Windsor to be Featured Speaker

ATA’s first women chairman, Barbara Windsor, will be a featured speaker at UTA’s Annual Management Conference & Trucking Expo, May 11th -13th

Barbara is a product of a trucking family who started Hahn Transportation in 1933. She is the granddaughter of the James Russell Hahn now 78, who started the company.   Hahn is a specialized regional trucking firm that hauls petroleum, aluminum, cement, and more through the Mid-Atlantic corridor. Barbara took her parents advice to pursue her own dreams and worked for an airline for 20 years before joining the company in 1991.  She is now President and CEO. Barbara is active in many civic organizations and past Chairman of the Maryland Motor Truck Association. She is also ran for Lt. Governor of Maryland.  Plan to register for the conference and be prepared to hear a update on major issues facing the trucking industry today.   
Register on our website at or call (801)973-9370 for registration materials. 

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